

MTG Standard

Entry Fee: $3.00

Time: 7p.m. - 10p.m.

Battle your 60 card constructed Standard Decks against the other players! Top four gets prize packs! Everyone who wins two rounds get $6 store credit and 3-0 records get $12 store credit!


MTG Commander

Entry Fee: Free

Time: 7p.m. - 10p.m.

Bring your 100 card commander deck and battle it out with other commander players. Any decks are welcome from pre-constructed to CEDH. Just make sure your pod knows what you’re playing to even the battlefield out and have the most fun!


Open Tables/League Night

Entry Fee: Free

Time: 7p.m. - 10p.m.

The tables are open for anyone to play any games. (permitting they aren’t occupied by league games. )


Friday Night Magic: CEDH

Entry Fee: $3.00

Time: 7p.m. - 10p.m.

Battle your 100 card Competitive Commander Decks against the other players! Three 60 minute rounds of paired pods! Top four gets prize packs! Each pod you win you also get $3 store credit!

Special Events

  • RCQ Spring schedule

    January 18th - 1pm

    February 15th - 1pm

    March 15th - 1pm

  • Blood Bowl League

    Sign up to join the Joplin Area Blood Bowl League starting on March 20th!

    $10 entry fee

  • CEDH Tournament

    Saturday, March 22nd- 1pm

    Entry fee $30

    15 proxy limit

    First prize: Stronghold Mox Diamond